SQL JOINs: A Comprehensive Guide to Advanced Data Retrieval Techniques

Ufuoma Ejite
12 min readMay 24, 2023


Photo by Mirsad Sarajlic on iStock

There are several clauses used in SQL. A typical SQL clause is the JOIN clause. The JOIN clause combines data from multiple tables based on matches from one or more columns. In very simple terms, the JOIN clause combines multiple tables into one. It allows us to retrieve data from more than one table at a time.

If the customer churn analysis of a business is to be performed, for example, multiple information or multiple datasets containing customer information, product information, and maybe, details on churn reasons or churned customers could be provided. For a thorough analysis, these multiple pieces of information could be combined. This is where the SQL JOIN clause comes in. Based on a match or relationship between two or more tables, the JOIN clause makes it possible to retrieve and query data from those tables.

Another instance could be an analysis of the employee attrition rate in XYZ organization. Multiple information in various tables could be provided ranging from the demographics of employees to salary information to departments in the organization, etc. In this case, a JOIN would be needed to combine the tables to determine various factors.

SQL JOINs Best Practices

SQL JOINs are a very powerful tool for retrieving and analyzing data; however, if not correctly used, they can produce incorrect results and cause performance issues. Here are some helpful points to note when using SQL JOINs:

  • Choose the right JOIN type for the task at hand. It is vital to understand the differences between the types of JOINs and choose the one that best suits your need.
  • Avoid using ambiguous column names. For example, the column name “id” is commonly used across tables, and therefore, you may have to specify which tables “id” column you want to select or filter. It is best practice to use aliases for column names to avoid this ambiguity.
  • Always test your JOIN query result to ensure they are accurate before deploying them to a production environment — the database server or the database management system (DBMS).
  • Ensure you use the appropriate JOIN conditions.

Types of SQL JOINs

There are different types of SQL JOINs, and each of them has its characteristics and applications.


An INNER JOIN is a type of join operation used to combine rows from two or more tables based on a specified condition. It retrieves only the matching rows that satisfy the join condition from both tables.

Conceptually, the INNER JOIN operation aligns with the idea of intersecting sets in mathematics, as it focuses on the shared elements between the tables involved in the join.

The basic syntax for an INNER JOIN is as follows:

It is worth noting that if there is no match between rows in the joined tables based on the specified condition, those rows will not be included in the result set.

Here’s an example to illustrate the usage of an INNER JOIN: Suppose you have two tables, “employees” and “departments” and you want to retrieve a list of employees along with their corresponding department names. You can use an INNER JOIN to achieve this:

In this example, the query performs an INNER JOIN between the “employees” table (aliased as “e”) and the “departments” table (aliased as “d”) using the common column “department” from the “employees” table and “id” from the “departments” table. The result of this query is the names of the employees along with their corresponding department names.

The INNER JOIN is commonly used when you need to retrieve data that exists in both tables based on a shared key or relationship. It allows you to establish connections between related tables and combine data from multiple sources into a single result set.

It is important to note that if there is no match between rows in the joined tables based on the specified condition, those rows will not be included in the result set. If you want to include unmatched rows as well, you can consider using OUTER JOINs like LEFT OUTER JOIN or RIGHT OUTER JOIN.


The OUTER JOINs are three — the LEFT JOIN, the RIGHT JOIN, and the FULL OUTER JOIN. Generally, these joins keep all records of the original table. The code syntax for these joins is similar to that of the INNER JOIN:


The LEFT JOIN keeps all the records in fields specified in the left table. However, the values that do not match in the right table are included as null or missing values.

Here’s an example to illustrate the usage of a LEFT JOIN: Suppose we have a “customers” table and an “orders” table, we can use a LEFT JOIN to retrieve all customers and their orders, including customers who have not placed any orders.

This example demonstrates how a LEFT JOIN allows you to retrieve all records from the left table (Customers) and the matching records from the right table (Orders) while including NULL values for the columns of the right table when there is no match.


The RIGHT JOIN is not as common as the LEFT JOIN, but it is the reverse of the LEFT JOIN. The RIGHT JOIN keeps all the records in fields specified in the right table, and the values that do not match in the left table are included as null or missing values.

Here’s an example to illustrate the usage of a RIGHT JOIN: Suppose we have a “products” table and a “reviews” table, we can use a RIGHT JOIN to retrieve all reviews and their corresponding products, including products that have not been reviewed.

This example demonstrates how a RIGHT JOIN allows you to retrieve all records from the right table (Reviews) and the matching records from the left table (Products), while including NULL values for the columns of the left table when there is no match.


The FULL OUTER JOIN is a combination of both the LEFT JOIN and the RIGHT JOIN. That is, it returns both unmatched and matched rows from both tables. If there is no match, NULL values are included for the columns of the table(s) with no match.

Here’s an example to illustrate the usage of a FULL OUTER JOIN: Suppose we have two tables “Students” and “Grades”, we can use a FULL OUTER JOIN to retrieve all students and their corresponding grades, including students without grades and grades without students.

This example demonstrates how a FULL OUTER JOIN combines the results of both the left table (Students) and the right table (Grades), including unmatched rows from both sides, represented by NULL values in the corresponding columns.


SELF JOIN is a type of join operation where a table is joined with itself. It allows you to combine rows from the same table based on a related condition or relationship between the columns within that table. By treating the table as two separate entities within the query, you can compare and match rows within the same table. This join does not have a specific syntax.

When performing a SELF JOIN, you use the same table multiple times in the query and differentiate between the instances of the table using table aliases. You specify the join condition based on the columns within the same table.

Here’s a simple example to illustrate the usage of SELF JOIN: Let’s consider an example scenario where we have an “employees” table with columns such as “employee_id”, “employee_name”, and “manager_id”. We can use a SELF JOIN to retrieve the names of employees along with their corresponding managers.

This query retrieves the employee names from the “employees” table, aliased as “e”, along with the corresponding manager names, aliased as “m”.

By using a SELF JOIN, you can establish relationships and retrieve data from different rows within the same table, providing a powerful tool for analyzing hierarchical or related data.


A CROSS JOIN combines every row from one table with every row from another table, creating a result set that includes all possible combinations of rows between the two tables (called a ‘Cartesian product’).

The basic syntax for a CROSS JOIN is as follows:

It is important to note that a CROSS JOIN does not require a join condition or a specific relationship between the tables. It simply combines every row from one table with every row from another table.

Here’s an example to illustrate the usage of a CROSS JOIN: Let’s say you want to generate a list of all possible combinations of students and subjects. You can use a CROSS JOIN to achieve this:

In this example, the query performs a CROSS JOIN between the “students” table (aliased as “s”) and the “subjects” table (aliased as “sb”). The result of this query is a comprehensive list of students with their corresponding subjects.

It is worth noting that CROSS JOIN should be used with caution as it can generate a large number of rows and result in a potentially huge result set if the tables involved have many rows.


SEMI JOIN and ANTI JOIN are types of joins that allow for the comparison of two tables and filter rows based on their existence or non-existence in the other table. These joins are particularly useful for finding matching or non-matching records between two tables.

Whilst the SEMI JOIN filters the first table based on conditions that are set in the second table, the ANTI JOIN filters the first table based on conditions that are not in the second table.

Let’s consider an example scenario with two tables: “customers” and “orders.” The “customers” table contains information about customers, including a “customer_id” column. The “orders” table contains order details, including a “customer_id” column as well. We can demonstrate the SEMI JOIN and ANTI JOIN using these tables.

The SEMI JOIN will return customers who have placed orders. It filters out customers who have not placed any orders. Here’s an example:

In this query, we select the customer_id and customer_name from the “customers” table. The WHERE EXISTS clause checks if there is a match in the “orders” table for each customer based on their customer_id. Only the customers who have at least one matching order will be returned.

The ANTI JOIN will return customers who have not placed any orders. It filters out customers who have placed orders. Here’s an example:

In this query, we select the customer_id and customer_name from the “customers” table. The WHERE NOT EXISTS clause checks if there is no match in the “orders” table for each customer based on their customer_id. Only the customers who do not have any matching orders will be returned.

By executing these queries, you can obtain a list of customers who have placed orders (using SEMI JOIN) or customers who have not placed any orders (using ANTI JOIN).

Joining more than Two Tables

Joining more than two tables is a common scenario in relational database management. The process of joining three or more tables is similar to joining two tables. However, the query syntax can become more complex as more tables are added to the join.

A chaining technique can be employed by using multiple JOIN clauses in our SQL query to join more than two tables. Let’s imagine, for illustration purposes, that we have three tables: customers, orders, and order_details. Using the following query, we can link these tables:

In this example, we start by joining the customers and orders tables on the common customerID column. Then, we join the resulting table with the order_details table on the common OrderID column.

The order in which we join the tables is important. In the above example, we join the customers and orders tables first, as they have a direct relationship. Then, we join the resulting table with the order_details table, which has a relationship with the orders table.

It matters which tables we join in what order. As they have a direct relationship, we first join the customers and orders tables in the example above. The order_details table, which is related to the orders table, is then joined to the resulting table.

When combining multiple tables, it’s crucial to take the size of the tables into account as well. Large table joining can be resource-intensive and slow down query performance. To improve performance, we can utilize indexing or limit the number of columns the query returns.

In summary, joining more than two tables can be achieved by chaining multiple JOIN clauses in our SQL statement. We need to consider the relationships between the tables and the performance implications when joining large tables.

Advanced Joining Techniques

In addition to the basic SQL JOINs, there are advanced joining techniques for more complex data retrieval tasks.

The most commonly used advanced joining techniques are:

  1. Nested queries
  2. Union clause
  3. Intersect clause
  4. Except clause

Nested queries:

A nested query, also known as a subquery, is a query within another query. In this joining technique, the output of one query serves as the input for another. In other words, the outer query’s condition is based on the inner query’s output. Nested queries are useful for a variety of purposes, including merging tables, filtering results, and performing calculations.

Here’s a simple example to illustrate the usage of nested queries:

In this example, the nested query (SELECT product_name FROM products WHERE products.product_id = orders.product_id) retrieves the product name from the products table using the product ID from the outer query. The result of the nested query is aliased as “product_name”. The outer query then selects the order ID, quantity, and the corresponding product name obtained from the nested query. When this query is executed, the result set gotten will include the order ID, quantity, and the respective product name for each order.

Union Clause:

In SQL, the UNION clause is used to combine the results of two or more SELECT statements into a single result set. It allows you to merge rows from different queries that have the same structure and column types.

The syntax for the UNION clause is typically as follows:

Here’s a simple example to illustrate the usage of the UNION clause: Let’s say we have two tables: “customers” and “employees.” Both tables have columns like “name” and “email,” and we want to retrieve a combined list of names and emails from both tables:

The above query will return the names and emails that exist in both the “customers” and “employees” tables.

The UNION clause is commonly used for merging data from multiple tables or queries that share a similar structure. It allows consolidation of data and retrieval of a single result set from multiple sources. However, it’s worth noting that not all database systems support the UNION clause, so its availability may depend on the specific database being used.

There is also the UNION ALL clause which is used to combine the results of two or more SELECT statements into a single result set, including duplicate rows. It is similar to the UNION clause, but unlike UNION, UNION ALL does not eliminate duplicate rows from the final result.

Intersect Clause:

The INTERSECT clause is used to retrieve the common rows between two result sets. It is used to find the intersection or overlap between two or more sets of data. This clause removes duplicate rows by default.

The syntax for the INTERSECT clause is typically as follows:

Here’s a simple example to illustrate the usage of the INTERSECT clause: Let’s say we have two tables: “employees” and “managers.” Both tables have a common column, “employee_id,” and we want to find the employee IDs that appear in both tables:

The above query will return the employee IDs that exist in both the “employees” and “managers” tables.

The INTERSECT clause can be useful in scenarios where you need to compare or find common records between two or more result sets. However, it’s worth noting that not all database systems support the INTERSECT clause, so its availability may depend on the specific database you are using.

Except Clause:

The EXCEPT clause in SQL allows you to extract distinct rows from one query’s result set that are not found in another query’s result set. This clause is commonly used to compare and identify differences or set complements between two sets of data.

The syntax for using the EXCEPT clause is as follows:

It’s important to note that the order of the columns and their data types in the SELECT statements must match, as the EXCEPT clause compares the entire rows between the result sets.

Here’s a simple example to illustrate the usage of the EXCEPT clause: Let’s say we have two tables: “products” and “orders.” The “products” table contains information about various products, including a “product_id” column. The “orders” table contains details about customer orders, including the “product_id” column. We want to find the products that have not been ordered by any customers. The EXCEPT clause can be used to achieve this:

The above query will return the distinct products (identified by their product_id and product_name) that do not appear in the result set of the orders table.

The EXCEPT clause is useful when you want to find the distinct values in one result set that are not present in another result set. It helps you identify differences or obtain the set complement between two sets of data. However, it’s worth noting that not all database systems support the EXCEPT clause, and in some cases, alternative methods like using LEFT JOIN or NOT IN subqueries can be used to achieve similar results.


The usefulness of SQL JOINs cannot be overemphasized. They are used extensively in various industries for data retrieval and analysis and are a critical aspect of database management.

For instance, to gain insights into customer behavior and preferences, eCommerce websites employ SQL JOINs to connect user data with order information. SQL JOINs are used by the financial sector to combine data from many sources for risk management and compliance reporting. For clinical research and decision-making, healthcare organizations employ SQL JOINs to link patient data with medical records.

By mastering SQL JOINs and adhering to the best practices, you can improve the efficiency and effectiveness of your data retrieval processes and gain valuable insights into your data.

